Sunday, March 16, 2008

Taste and see the Lord is good


Anonymous said...

Dear Ivan and Eunice:
I have a daughter studying at the Bible College in Mallorca under Rafael Manzanares...We have been leading mission groups for several years with Calv. Chapel Downey. Cuba, Yucatan,Peru and now we have an opportunity to travel to Spain in September...would you receive a group of eight people willing to do some evangelistic activitites or prayer walks???
Nina Lampon

Anonymous said...

Queridos Iván y Eunice,
Nos encantó compartir el culto al Señor el pasado domingo con vuestra iglesia. Pedimos al Padre que guíe vuestros primeros pasos en la Obra que Él tiene que hacer en El Rincón.
Os queremos.
Sergio, Raquel, Marcos y David

Anonymous said...

Hi Primos, your new place looks lovely. Mary

Cream of Wheatley's Family said...

Dear Ivan and Eunice,

Ben still asks where you are! It was so nice to see your home. I kept thinking how good God is. He is continuing to bless your new season in life in such a peaceful way. We could see it in your pictures and pray nothing but continued blessings on you both. He is good and always at work, even when we don't see it. Praise the Lord!

The Wheatleys

Jason said...

Children's Chapel begins in a couple weeks! We are gong to miss you a lot during that time. I'm looking forward to hearing more updates from you two.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a blessing it is to read how you are. I know we just spoke but to see the pictures of you two and your new home really makes me want to visit. It's funny how much I miss you two how you always seem to make me smile. Friendship is a beautiful thing and we are so blessed by yours.
we love you!
The Fox's

Miguel said...

This is a message for Nina Lampon:
I saw your comment in this section. Are you the wife of Tito Lampon from Catacumba #5 Mayaguez, Puerto Rico?

Please write me at Thanks.