Thursday, December 18, 2008


Anonymous said...

Hola chicos, es una bendicion poder saber que Dios os esta bendiciendo de la manera que lo esta haciendo. Vuestra familia es luz en ese lugar de malaga y se que Dios va a proveer grandemente vuestro ministerio. Sarah y yo os deseamos una muy feliz navidad en la cual recordamos el nacimiento de un salvador el cual nos ama y quiere tener una relaccion personal con cada uno de nosotros. Espero que dios os provea en vuestras necesidades. Os queremos mucho. Da saludo y enhorabuena a Alicia y Antonio por ese precioso bebe.
David y Sarah

Unknown said...

May God continue to bless your ministry. There is much work to be done and time is short.
Blessings upon blessings.

Tim D
Calvary the Brook

Anonymous said...

Ivan, Eu, preciosas fotos. Estamos muy felices de poder formar parte de los receptores de las muchas bendiciones que Dios esta derramando en Rincón. Gracias por todo, sois muy especiales, os queremos mucho. Y A VER SI ME HACEIS A MI ALGUNA FOTILLO...!!!JJAJA


Anonymous said...

It is awesome to hear how the Lord is working! I am praying for you guys and for the Browns! God bless!!!
Abby Renzullo

noemi said...

Las fotos son preciosas y la visión aún más. Que Dios os siga bendiciendo en TODO lo que hagáis.
Un beso muy fuerte.

Anonymous said...

Ivan and Eunice,
Blessings to all! Congratulations to your brother-in-law and his wife and to your family on the birth of their beautiful child. Praise God for the beautiful table and dinner presented to those attending. We will pray for all, but especially those nine unbelievers. May their hearts be drawn to our loving Savior.

Sorry Calvary Upland's trip to Spain was not confirmed for this February. We were prepared to send Madeleine. She wants to go and help.Please pray that when the opportunity arises again that God will touch her heart and make her an excellent witness for Him and a great servant to your congregation.

We pray that your Christmas celebration may be the most meaningful of all.

In the name of Jesus, the Most High! Love from the Magallanez Family (Steve, Lori, John and Madeleine)

Anonymous said...

Hey friends! Good to hear the updates and know that you're being blessed in Spain. We miss seeing you in Upland. We continue to bond through prayer and knowing that heaven is our true home and we'll all be together there. TheThorps

Unknown said...

HI IVAN iam MARLON BROWN father inlaw both me and my wife are going to malaga april 1-22 .We like to help server with Easter serice so if you have some needs please let me know.Also marlon said you have friend that owns a hotel can you please e-mail with name and price for two people . Both me and my wife speak spanish we are looking foward serving in Malaga . God Bless emilio