Monday, October 5, 2009

Hello everyone! This summer will definitely be an unforgetable one. Samuel was born last August the 3th and everything went really well. Thank you for your prayers and thank God for being so Good. It's wonderful having him in our lives, we love our boy so much!!

We are doing well. Ivan is still working at the airport and he is also studing English at the Language School this year. Eunice is already fully recovered from delivery and she is at home with maternity leave. We are enjoying our new apartment. It's beautiful and very comfortable, we love it.

The mission "El Rincón de la Victoria" is going forward although the work is hard and seems to go slow. The church still meets at Hotel Rinconsol and we are now studing the book of Acts. Not many unbelievers are visiting but the members of the fellowship are growing spiritually and continue to be excited with the work of God. Pepe and Alicia Carmet are now living here in town. They are a blessing for the church, we thank the Lord for answering our prayers.

There are a few ideas the Lord has given us that you can pray for. Ivan is going to start a men's discipleship soon in which they will read through the book "The Man God uses" by Pr. Chuck Smith. Eunice is praying about bringing children from our neighbourhood home once a week to sing Christian songs. And lastly, we would like to organize a couples' special night to have dinner and watch the movie "Fireproof". Please pray that the Lord may guide us and bless these events.

We continue to be very excited with the ministry the Lord has given us. It's wonderful to serve Him and to know the family of Christ is always supporting us by their many prayers and their support. Thank you!

"Is my hand shortened at all that it can not redeem? Or have I no power to deliver?" (Isaiah 50:2). Our hope is in Him! God bless you.


We are parents! said...

Beautiful boy...congratulations! Our son was born just a few days is definitely a blessing :)

Adriana said...

Queridos Ivan y Eunice muchas felicidades por ese precioso regalo con el que Dios les a bendecido. "Baby Samuel" esta precioso! Nos da gozo saber que El Senor sigue haciendo su obra por medio de su ministerio. Animos, sigan adelante que Nuestro Senor va al frente para ayudarles.
Gozen cada momento que Dios le ofrece para estar juntos con su bebe. Y esperamos verles en un futuro no muy lejano por aqui, para conocer a "Baby Samuel". No dejen de mandar fotos ya que no los podemos ver en persona por lo menos en foto; que por cierto salieron muy bien. Esos paisajes son bellicimos, acaso fueron tomadas alli cerca de su casa?
Saludos, besitos y abazos a todos(Pepe Y Alicia tambien) Dios les siga bendiciendo en su labor y en su nueva etapa de padres.
Les queremos mucho,
Armando y Adriana Lopez

David Biedma said...

Hey guys, glad to hear that God is blessing you and your ministry at Rincon de la Victoria. You guys are two great servants of God and a example in which others like me can look for spirituality and growth. Everything is going fine here in Dallas. Sarah is still workin as a teacher and I am looking forward to my graduation next May.
We miss you and love you,

David and Sarah Biedma

Amanda said...

Aw I am glad to hear about you guys. I really miss you and want to meet your handsome little one. He is so cute. I am praying for you still and love you both and can;t wait to hear more. Love you both!


Gil and Mary said...

Congratulations hermanos! What a beautiful baby boy you have. The Lord has blessed you indeed. We love you and miss you and pray for you. It is good to know that we have soldiers like you spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to a land dying of thirst. God bless you!

Gilberto y Maria Escalera
a.k.a. Gil & Mary :-)

Ivan and Eunice said...

Thank you, friends, for your comments!We should have clarified the pictures with the pretty views and the typical sites are from a short trip we enjoyed as a family on our wedding anniversary last month. The place we went to is called "Las Alpujarras", Granada, and is absolutely worth visiting. We love you all!

the Matriarch said...

little Samuel is lovely! I thought of you guys just the other day as I was at Murrietta Hot Springs for the Pastor's Wives conf. What a beautiful campus!Our church just celebrated 3 yrs anniversary and the Lord has brought the increase, don't be discouraged if things seem slow, cause your people to grow deep roots through discipleship, you will not regret it and then they will be fully equipped in the things of the Lord! love and blessings, alicia

Jeannette said...

You all look so wonderful! How faithful our God is to do all He said He would for you and your precious family. May He continue to be the center of your lives. The pictures are great and Samuel is more beautiful everyday. The Lord is doing a great work in Spain and He is using you guys as His tool.