Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two months have gone by since we went to California to visit our dear church and friends and we can’t wait to share with you the things that have occurred in our lives and ministry during this time.

Job, going through the most difficult time of his life, was able to say: You (Lord) have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit (Job 10:12). This is our testimony. And though we are not going through such a tough time, we can also say that the Lord has taken care of every single area of our lives and ministry.

A couple of days after our arrival from the States, our cousins Seth, Lucas and Denver came to Spain to spend three weeks with us. They were here for our church’s second anniversary! Besides having a lot of fun, the Lord really blessed us as a family and the church through their lives and service. They met the people we are ministering to and they served in the area of worship. They supported all the activities during the week and were a great testimony to everyone who met them. Thank you, guys, we love you!

In case any of us still doubts about the effectiveness of your prayers and the unlimited power of the God we serve, let us share with you that these two families we told you about in our last blog, are now a part of our church. Jose, Beatriz and their kids, Álvaro and Lucía, and Eloy, Joan and their girls, Genesis and Nicole are faithfully attending the studies on Sundays and other activities we are doing. One of these activities took place on Good Friday, what we call here “Viernes Santo” (Holy Friday). The church went to the country side, to a small town called “El Burgo” where Mª Luisa was born, and spent the day there. We had a wonderful time together eating, fellowshipping and worshiping our Lord for His perfect sacrifice. Then, early on Easter Sunday we celebrated His glorious victory over death and had breakfast at the hotel where we meet. The Lord is working in our midst!

Pilar is a Christian lady who decided to join our fellowship a few months ago. She loves studing the Word and we see the joy and peace of God in her life. Please pray fo her husband, Manuel, who is in rebellion against God. There are 6 children and two babies in our church now. Please pray for more room to be able to minister to them appropriately. With this being said, we are happy to share with you that we have had no less than 17 people attending the service every Sunday. In fact, this last Sunday we were 26 people at the Bible study. To God be the glory!

David Leyva is a young man who loves the Lord and desires to serve Him coming to our church this summer for about a month. We thank God for him and can’t wait to meet him. Continue to pray for God’s will to be done with Eric Flores and André.

Concerning us personally we can’t say any less. Eunice is still working part time at the pediatrics hospital in Málaga. She is very excited with her ministry. Now Alicia, her sister, plays other instruments, such as the cajón or the guitar, with her for worship every Sunday. And she enjoys teaching the children the Word of God. After a few weeks jobless, Iván finally found a new job. He still works at the airport but now in a different company called Easy Jet. Thank you for your prayers. Samuel is healthy and growing fast. We keep thanking God for him.

So, what then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). Thank you all for your support and care for us and our country. Que el Señor os bendiga a todos ricamente.


the Matriarch said...

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! We can so relate to "where you are", now being 3 1/2 years planted here in PG, we are growing and with that wonderful growth comes the challenges! Children's ministry always being one of them, but God is supplying our need and so will He for you. I am sorry that you were here in Calif. and we did not see you but maybe someday the Lord will have us cross paths again.:0) Love and joy to you as you serve the Lord Jesus! alicia xx

Daniel González said...

Hello brothers...I'm from Mexico I wonder to know of there is any CC near to Oviedo or Pamplona...because...maybe I'll go to Spain this summer and if God wants i'll spent the next-all-year studying the master...the thing here is that I only found 2 CC and are far far from my destinies...hope you can help me...praying for this things...and let God make His way...

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear of the faithfulness of God to you. I'm praying for you all, and looking at the possibility of coming to see you this summer sometime to hang out and help out however I can. When would work best for you in the summer? When can I be a help?

Ryan Slabach

Ivan and Eunice said...

Thank you for your comment Alicia! You've always been an encouragement for us even before we knew what God had prepared for our lives! Send our love to your family and church. God bless you!

Dear brother Daniel. Please write an email to us so that we can help you finding a church. There's not CCs in that area in Spain but there are other good churches you could attend. This is Ivan's email address: ivan16_mc@hotmail.com. God bless you!

Hey Ryan! Did you know Hollie and a friend of her will visit us this June? We're thinking maybe August would be a good time. Keep in touch with us by email, ok? Bye!