Thursday, May 13, 2010

What a wonderful day we had last Sunday at church! Our children finished a 6 month-program and wanted to share with the church some of the things they had learned. They sang a song and recited Bible verses by heart. After the service, we all shared some food and gave gifts to the children as recognition of their hard work. We were all blessed by them, specially the moms and dads whose eyes shined with joy listening to their kids.

Let us share some good news with you… Pr. Pepe, Eunice’s dad, was chosen to lead the Pastors’ Union of Malaga. Please pray for him that he may be a blessing as he ministers to these men with the love of God and the power of His Holy Spirit.

The first weekend of June, the three of us will fly to Switzerland. “La Iglesia Hispana de Winterthur” invited us to teach to the youth at their church retreat. We are very excited and we pray we may be used by the Lord in the lives of these young men and women.

As you already know, we continue to meet at Hotel Rinconsol on Sundays. They are always very kind with us providing a place for the children with no additional cost when the room is available. However, we start to see the need of a bigger place so we would like you to start praying about this.

Continue to pray, dear supporters, because God is doing mighty things. We are very aware of our Enemy and we already see His attacks. But our Lord is greater than Him and He is faithful to continue the work He started. Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ivan e Eunice! Hola! Es Natalie del Instituto Biblico en Murrieta! Hace mucho tiempo y queria escribir, pero no tuve su direccion. Pero les encontre!!!!:)
Estoy muy feliz que regresaron a su pais amada y estan compartiendo las buenas noticias de Jesus!
Despues de dos semestres en Murrieta, estudie en Peru. Vivi alla mas que un anio y me encanta!
Espero que me voy a regresar el proximo anio.
Dios siempre es fiel.
Bueno, estoy orando por ustedes. Que chevere todos los fotos de la iglesia en Malaga! Un dia quiero visitar!
Y tienen un bebe ahora! Felicitaciones! Samuel!:)
Tengo buenas memorias de ustedes y queria saludarles.
jaja...y espero que entienden mi espanol! Todavia estoy aprendiendo!:)
Les quiero! Cuentame como estan! Bendiciones!